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High Impact or Alternate Review Steps (if applicable)
These steps are active for requests identified as having a high impact on district resources.
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Resources intended for large groups, district-wide initiatives, or community involvement may require facilitation to ensure successful review & implementation. Review the user input related to area of affect and resource purpose to determine.
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Please type the email address of the person you wish to include in this review.
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Please place your comments/questions here after reviewing the details of the request below:
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This section contains fields intended for completion by the requester during initial form submission.
Requester Information
How is your workplace classified?
Are you submitting a request for the use of a digital resource or are you requesting assistance with blocking/unblocking access to a website through our district’s content filtering system?
Website Review Notice: if the website OFFERS the ability to sign up/login/create an account (whether you intend to use the option or not), the site qualifies as a digital resource. In that case, please change your response above to "Digital Resource Request".
Please paste the link to the website here:
Why do you feel this site should be unblocked or blocked from our district content filtering? (Instructional Purpose)
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Please provide the email address for the person you wish to include in a discussion:
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Resource Information
Is the resource’s website currently blocked by our district content filters?
Many iPad applications include a feature for in-app purchases. This feature is blocked within our Apple Education Licensing. If the basic services in the application are sufficient for your needs, you may proceed with your request. (We do not have the ability to activate in-app purchases for any resource).
Many iPad applications, especially free applications, include advertising. We are not permitted to make resources available that advertise to students. Please verify this information and indicate below:
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We may need to contact the vendor to obtain a signature on a data sharing agreement, to discuss purchasing information, or to discuss technical details of activation/installation. If you have talked to a specific representative, please provide the name and email address here.
Resource Purpose
If the resource classifies for both, please choose Instructional.
Choose all that apply.
Choose all that apply.
This question is important to determine if the resource can be made available for self-installation (Software Center or Self Service) or if a tech support specialist will need to manually install or activate it for you.
Who will be affected by this use of this resource?
Is this resource intended for student testing/evaluation?
What devices will be used to test students? Check all that apply.
How many students will be testing on one day, location of testing, is training required, etc.
When is this resource needed? Please provide key information regarding your planned dates for use. Be sure to include needed time for training, testing, etc., if applicable. If the resource will be used for a special, limited purpose (ie testing/evaluation), please include Start and End Date for the testing window.
Did the vendor send you any documentation/information regarding system requirements, preparation tasks, installation guides, user guides (staff/student), etc.? If so, please upload a copy here. *Note: if you receive any such documentation after submission of this form, please send it to
[email protected] upon receipt.
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Please enter the clinic IPads or devices requiring installation of the application
Accounts/Data Privacy
*For Google extensions and add-ons, please choose Student, Student & Teacher, or Teacher/Staff Only (access the application through a Leander ISD Google account).
Does the resource gather names or other student information while you are using the product (even if students are not accessing the resource)? Please answer “yes” if the resource provides the ability to enter student information whether it is required or optional.
Please explain your “yes” response to the previous question regarding the collection of student information during the use of the resource.
If you intend to use this resource with children under 13, please read the vendor’s Terms of Service/Privacy Policy. What does the policy indicate?
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Who creates the credentials (user id/password) to use when logging in?
Who creates the user id/password to use when logging in? Choose all that apply.
The district supports integration through ClassLink and Clever. If it is determined that rostering through these methods is not possible, you will need to manually create and manage the accounts if the resource is approved. In that event, please indicate your choice below:
Please paste the link to the vendor’s Terms of Service/Terms of Use Agreement here. *Note: for iPad or Google applications, please do not provide Apple’s or Google’s policies, unless the application is created by those companies. Please provide the developer’s policy. You should see a link near the bottom of the Apple or Google Store page for the developer’s policy or website.
Please paste the link to the vendor’s Privacy Policy here. *Note: for iPad or Google applications, please do not provide Apple’s or Google’s policies, unless the application is created by those companies. Please provide the developer’s policy. You should see a link near the bottom of the Apple or Google Store page for the developer’s policy or website.
Purchase/License Information
What type of license does your campus/department intend to purchase – who do you wish for it to include?
Please indicate the estimated COMBINED TOTAL of all licenses to be purchased or value donated (NOT price per license). This includes any intended purchase of an upgrade or premium version beyond the basic free trial or free, base subscription.
Do you create purchase orders or purchase directly from vendors at your workplace or does someone assist you?
Please choose your administrative assistant/bookkeeper that assists with purchases at your workplace.
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Choose yes if the resource requires Tech activation, installation or data integration once approved and purchased.
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These fields are populated through the workflow process by reviewers/approvers. They are not visible to the requester.
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Purchasing Review Steps
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First step in determining if a campus/department will be able to purchase from this vendor if the resource is approved.
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First step in determining if a campus/department will be able to purchase from this vendor if the resource is approved.
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Provide the Vendor’s Munis ID Number
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Do any other vendors offer this software?
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If the software is available through multiple vendors, please complete and upload the
LISD Quote Summary Sheet. *NOTE: right click on the link and choose open in a new window. Please also upload the associated quotes noted on the summary sheet.
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Please provide the vendor’s email address to which Purchasing can send vendor paperwork for completion and consideration.
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Please describe the need or functionality fulfilled by the use of this resource that cannot be found in a similar, already approved resource and/or through an awarded vendor.
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If you would like to initiate a discussion with the requester , admin asst/bookkeeper, or another person, you may launch that discussion below. If you have completed the discussion or it is not necessary, please indicate so. Your choice will drive the next step in the workflow accordingly.
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Please provide the email address for the person with whom you would like to discuss this request. If you need to contact more than one person, you will be provided with an opportunity to repeat this step until your needed discussion is complete.
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Please enter the PO# from Munis if purchased through the purchase order system.
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Please upload your purchase receipt, purchase confirmation, and/or any installation instructions that were sent to you by the vendor so that Tech Support will have all necessary information to activate your resource for you.
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Please provide the LISD Asset Tag Numbers for the devices that require installation of purchased software license(s). If the resource is strictly web-based, this field does not apply, and you may leave it blank.
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Please enter the email addresses for the users of a Google add-on or extension (who does Tech need to activate this product for?)
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Please indicate if you will not be purchasing this resource as additionally planned.
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Data Security Review Steps
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The results of the data security review for this resource are below:
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Is a new DPA required for this resource request?
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Which DPA should be sent to the vendor?
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Do data security concerns exist that require additional review by the IPL Team? If so, by marking “Yes”, the system will return the review process to the IPL Review step.
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Please upload the SDPC agreement signed between the vendor and another Texas school district that we wish to subscribe under using Exhibit E. *Be sure the agreement is still valid by expiration date.
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Used for non-instructional resources that do not collect student data
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Please incorporate any requested modifications on an addendum and then upload the original agreement with the addendum.
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If the vendor does not want to sign our standard DPA/DSA and submitted their own agreement for review, please upload that here.
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Enter the email address for the person the vendor indicated will sign the agreement. (Jennifer will initiate the DocuSign process to that person).
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Enter the email address for the person you wish to engage in discussion.
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Please type your notes, comments or questions here as they relate to the DPA/DSA Review Process
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This agreement will be uploaded by Business Services once signed by vendor and LISD
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Instruction & Professional Learning Review Steps
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Please review the request according to the following criteria:
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This resource is approved by IPL for use by (choose all that apply).
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Please type the email address of the person you wish to include in a discussion.
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Teaching & Learning Review Steps
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Please type the email address of the person you would like to include in a discussion.
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Please type the email address of the person you would like to include in a discussion.
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Please type the email address of the person you would like to include in a discussion.
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Please type the email address of the person you would like to include in a discussion.
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Please type the email address of the person you would like to include in a discussion.
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Please type the email address of the person you would like to include in a discussion.
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Please type the email address of the person you would like to include in a discussion.
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Please type the email address of the person you would like to include in a discussion.
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Please type the email address of the person you would like to include in a discussion.
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Please type the email address of the person you would like to include in a discussion.
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Please type the email address of the person you would like to include in a discussion.
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Please type the email address of the person you would like to include in a discussion.
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Please type the email address of the person you would like to include in a discussion.
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Please type the email address of the person you would like to include in a discussion.
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Please type the email address of the person you would like to include in a discussion.
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Please type the email address of the person you would like to include in a discussion.
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Please type the email address of the person you would like to include in a discussion.
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Data Integration Steps
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After reviewing the resource for requested rostering, please choose any that apply:
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Add any additional information from your data integration review not covered by the checkboxes marked.
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Engineering Steps
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The default method of installation for Google add-ons and extensions is to activate the application for self-insallation (make available). If it is determined a resource should be force- installed, please indicate so here:
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iiQ Ticket Number corresponding to engineers’ review of the resource for system compatibility.
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Notes provided by the engineering team during compatiblity testing.
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SCSM Ticket Number corresponding to the activation/installation/packaging of the resource.
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DRR Appeal Process (If applicable)
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After being notified of the non-approval decision, did the requester email a desire to appeal the decision?
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Please explain the justification for your appeal request. Please include how you feel the benefits of the resource outweigh the risks/concerns presented with the non-approval decision.
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Note any approval conditions or restrictions here.
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Who would you like to continue a discussion with?
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Please enter the email address for the other person you wish to engage in discussion.
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